Tuesday, March 18, 2008

September, 1957

September, 1957

I chose the poem September, 1957. This poem speaks of his grandfather dying from cancer while still continuing to smoke. This poem speaks volumes to me. I can relate to that simply because about three weeks ago my family and I found out that my grandma has lung cancer. She has to attend eight weeks, five days a week, of chemotherapy and radiation treatment. It is very hard to watch loved ones continue to do things that harm them, especially to watch them commit a slow suicide. You would think that she would condemn cigarettes all together, but no, she still continues to smoke although the cancer is consuming her body. Slowly taking her life prematurely. It is such a sad, sad thing. On the up side of things, my grandma is adjusting to her chemotherapy and radiation therapy rather well so I guess there is an upside to this.

I just went to visit her over the weekend and she still is smoking close to a pack of cigarettes a day. She was coughing up blood, but yet trying to hide it in fear that my mom or uncle might not buy her another pack! So ridiculous! I guess we all have our vices! Since she has been taking chemotherapy her hair has been falling out so I bought her five beautiful hats, one hat per day a week that she has therapy, and she absolutely loved them. It just seemed to bring some peace to my soul knowing that I made her smile once more!

I pray for her every night, I also pray for her to have the strength to say no to those cancer sticks that have came so close to taking her life. I can only leave it in the good Lord's hands.


Nat-dolphinlover said...


I am very sorry to hear about your grandmother. I understand how you feel, as I have so many people in my life that smoke and we all know that one way or another it will catch up to them yet they will talk about it as the light another. I also think that sometimes people want to just enjoy life and do the things they love even if it is harmful. I hope you'll find strength to endure the days ahead!!

Kimberly Allen said...

I am sorry to hear about your loss. I also have a loved one who continues to harm himself with nicotine even though I have continuously tried to convince him to quit. He tells me that he is not harming anyone around him, but he fails to see the big picture. Great job on your post and stay strong through this difficult time.

Nancy Reep said...

I am sorry about your grandmother. I just lost my Grandfather to cancer. It is very hard to watch someone dying.
If you need someone to talk to let me know

Gloria Montgomery said...

Have you tried to read children's poetry. It's really fun and you will understand it better than mind-provoking poetry. I know that poems can be frustrated, especially when you have a class that you have to interpret the poems to get a grade, but sometimes when you're stressed and out-of-sorts, poems can make you smile and go on. Try it and my expense and tell me if I'm wrong. Try Jack Prelutskys's website. Go to my blog and click on his name.